Package: ss3sim 1.21.0

Kelli F. Johnson

ss3sim: Fisheries Stock Assessment Simulation Testing with Stock Synthesis

A framework for fisheries stock assessment simulation testing with Stock Synthesis (SS3) as described in Anderson et al. (2014) <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0092725>.

Authors:Kelli F. Johnson [aut, cre], Sean C. Anderson [aut], Kathryn L. Doering [aut], Cole C. Monnahan [aut], Christine C. Stawitz [aut], Curry Cunningham [ctb], Allan Hicks [ctb], Felipe Hurtado-Ferro [ctb], Peter Kuriyama [ctb], Roberto Licandeo [ctb], Carey McGilliard [ctb], Giancarlo H. Moron Correa [ctb], Melissa Murdian [ctb], Kotaro Ono [ctb], Merrill Rudd [ctb], Cody Szuwalski [ctb], Ian G. Taylor [ctb], Juan Valero [ctb], Athol Whitten [ctb], Kiva L. Oken [ctb]

ss3sim.pdf |ss3sim.html
ss3sim/json (API)

# Install 'ss3sim' in R:
install.packages('ss3sim', repos = c('', ''))

Bug tracker:

  • codemctl - Control file for the cod estimation method
  • codomctl - Control file for the cod operating model
  • codomdat - Data for the cod operating model
  • scalar_dat - Example scalar data from the Introduction vignette
  • ts_dat - Example time-series data from the Introduction vignette




8.89 score 39 stars 149 scripts 589 downloads 1 mentions 53 exports 85 dependencies

Last updated 5 months agofrom:54a41f5b85. Checks:1 OK, 7 ERROR. Indexed: yes.

TargetResultLatest binary
Doc / VignettesOKFeb 22 2025
R-4.5-winERRORFeb 22 2025
R-4.5-macERRORFeb 22 2025
R-4.5-linuxERRORFeb 22 2025
R-4.4-winERRORFeb 22 2025
R-4.4-macERRORFeb 22 2025
R-4.3-winERRORFeb 22 2025
R-4.3-macERRORFeb 22 2025



Creating new ss3sim model setups

Rendered frommaking-models.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 22 2025.

Last update: 2022-07-29
Started: 2015-01-26

Introduction to ss3sim

Rendered fromintroduction.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 22 2025.

Last update: 2024-03-05
Started: 2015-01-26

Modifying the model included with ss3sim

Rendered frommodifying-models.Rmdusingknitr::rmarkdownon Feb 22 2025.

Last update: 2022-05-26
Started: 2015-01-26

Readme and manuals

Help Manual

Help pageTopics
Create matching column names across a list of data framesadd_colnames
Add short time varying parameter lines. At time of writing, this method will work for MG, selectivity, and catchability time varying, but not for SRadd_tv_parlines
Calculate bias adjustment for recruitment deviationscalculate_bias
Calculate fleets, years, and data types needed given sampling parameterscalculate_data_units
Calculate relative errorcalculate_re
Change catch in the Stock Synthesis data listchange_catch
Change composition data to dummy data for running the operating modelchange_comp
Change the bins for a composition objectchange_dat_bin
Change the data that is available from a list objectchange_data
Methods to alter the parameters estimated in a Stock Synthesis modelchange_e
Change population and observed length-composition binschange_em_binning
Specify fishing mortality, F, using the Stock Synthesis control filechange_f
Set the robustification constant for length-composition datachange_lcomp_constant
Methods to include parameters in a Stock Synthesis operating modelchange_o
Set up population length bin structurechange_pop_bin
Adds or removes catchability parameters from a control filechange_q
Replace recruitment deviationschange_rec_devs
Change start year main recruitment deviations in control filechange_recyear
Alter a starter file for a retrospective analysischange_retro
Change start year of the data filechange_startyear
Replace tail compression value for length composition datachange_tail_compression
Methods to include time-varying parameters in a Stock Synthesis operating modelchange_tv
Change the years estimatedchange_year
Check that the Stock Synthesis data file looks correctcheck_data
Check input arguments for datacheck_data_str_range
Check if input arguments have the same lengthcheck_eqlength
Check input forecast file valuescheck_forecast
Check if desired q parameters exist in control file listcheck_q
Given sampling arguments, remove unneeded data from a .dat fileclean_data
Control file for the cod estimation methodcodemctl
Control file for the cod operating modelcodomctl
Data for the cod operating modelcodomdat
Convert long-style ss3sim output to wide formatconvert_to_wide
Copy the OM or EM into a scenario directorycopy_ss3models
Create an EM from an OMcreate_em
Create the ss3sim logocreate_logo
Helper function for building a ggplot facetfacet_form
Fill in matrix across rows of weight-at-age data by interpolationfill_across
Find integer reference to fleet namesfind_position
Get Stock Synthesis binary/executable locationget_bin
Get summaries of fits to composition data from report file listget_compfit
Get the folder location of an included Stock Synthesis model configurationget_model_folder
Get negative log likelihood (NLL) values from a report file listget_nll_components
Return a set of recruitment deviationsget_recdevs
Extract Stock Synthesis simulation outputget_results_all
Extract time series from a model run with the associated standard deviation.get_results_derived
Get results for 1 iterationget_results_iter
Get results for 1 model runget_results_mod
Extract scalar quantities from a model run.get_results_scalar
Extract Stock Synthesis simulation results for one scenarioget_results_scenario
Return the time series information from an iterationget_results_timeseries
Identify scenarios in 'directory'get_scenarios
Get Variability About Recruitment Deviations (sigma_R)get_sigmar
Determine if a Stock Synthesis run was successfulget_success
Make a list of lists with dataframe components into a dataframesmake_df
Plot results of a simulation as boxplotsplot_boxplot
Plot the cumulative mean for a parameterplot_cummean
Plot time-series values as linesplot_lines
Plot results of a simulation as a scatterplotplot_points
Base plot for 'ss3sim' dataplot_ss3sim
Determine Fmsy for a given operating modelprofile_fmsy
Replace a 'NULL' value with 'NA' in a listreplace_x
Master function to run a set of simulations using 'ss3sim'run_ss3sim
Sample age compositions from a Stock Synthesis data filesample_agecomp
Sample conditional age-at-length datasample_calcomp
Sample the catches with observation errorsample_catch
Sample composition data from expected valuessample_comp
Sample the discard with observation errorsample_discard
Sample with a Dirichlet-Multinomial distributionsample_dm
Sample the CPUE/index data with observation errorsample_index
Sample length compositions from a Stock Synthesis data filesample_lcomp
Sample observations using log-normal error corrected for biassample_lognormal
*BETA VERSION* Sample mean length (size-)-at-age data and write to file for use by the EMsample_mlacomp
Sample with a multinomial distributionsample_mn
Sample empirical weight-at-age datasample_wtatage
Example scalar data from the Introduction vignettescalar_dat
Set up bin structure for composition datasetup_bins
Setup parallel processingsetup_parallel
Get scenario information from a data frame of specificationssetup_scenarios
Set up a generic scenariosetup_scenarios_defaults
Set up fleet-specific informationsetup_scenarios_fleet
Create a named vector to look up full names for types of argumentssetup_scenarios_lookup
Create a name for an unnamed scenariosetup_scenarios_name
High-level wrapper to run a simulationss3sim_base
Check and standardize list components of sampling functionsstandardize_sampling_args
Example time-series data from the Introduction vignettets_dat
Verify and standardize Stock Synthesis input filesverify_input
Helper function for ensuring correct input for the plotting functionsverify_plot_arguments